When well prepared to face cold, a house becomes a confortable and economical refuge during winter.  By preventing cold air from penetrating and by eliminating the heat losses, you can reduce your heating bill and improve your comfort.
On a typical energy bill, we can attribute a loss of up to 700$ to a house whose envelop is not airtight.  Therefore it is important to think "airtight" if you wish to reduce the heating costs.
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Heating Costs
Leaks & air infiltrations
The Good Solution

Heating Costs

North Americans are by far the biggest energy consumers in the world. The amounts we spend on energy for our house is no exception considering the severe winters that hit us every year. We tend to think that only major and expensive renovations will help us improve the energy efficiency of our house.   Though it can be true in some cases, before you invest thousands of dollars, try these simple and inexpensive tricks that will allow you to use energy more efficiently.

Let's analyse the energy cost for a 2000 ft² house. We can easily figure between $1800 and $2500 per year. These costs are divided in three categories, notice the proportions:


More than 60% of energy costs are dedicated to heating. It represents more than $1500 for the average residence. You don't have to do major investments or renovations to see changes on your energy bill: simply seal all leaks and air infiltration sources around your house. It's cost effective and easy!

Did you know that for the average house, up to 40% of heat loss is caused by air leaks?   On a typical energy bill, it can amount to more than $700. That's your money going out the window simply because the house wasn't air tight enough. From now on, think tight. Not only do weatherstripped leaks have a positive effect on your energy bill, they also affect your comfort. When cold air seeps into your house, some rooms can become filled with uncomfortable air drafts and are impossible to heat up. If your house isn't air tight enough there might be condensation on your windows and walls, even mildew. Weatherstripping can make a world of difference!

To learn more about the many ways you can optimize your energy consumption, visit the "Mieux consommer" residential diagnostic section of the Hydro-Québec website. This interactive tool will provide you with energy and money saving tips.


References: "Agence de l'efficacité énergétique" and Canada's Natural Resources